English translation for "water in soil"
- 土的物理性质土中水
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Coarse soil is easy to lost moisture and get little water in soil 粗糙土壤失去较多的水分,从降水事件中得到少的水分。 | | 2. | The amount of water in soil profiles under different kinds of native vegetation decreased with depth in the 0 - 400cm soil profile 除0 ? 50cm层外,其它各层次土壤水分的季节动态趋势均表现出较高的一致性。 | | 3. | In loess plateau areas , dry and varied climatic condition was the main reason that resulted in the instability of soil moisture in surface layer . and because of the bad soil pedality and pore continuousness , the water in soil deep layers was difficult to supplement for that in surface layer . so , soil moisture of surface layer varied commonly and strongly 黄土高原地区干燥、复杂多变的气候条件导致该区土壤表层一定深度的湿度随时空变化非常剧烈;而且,该区土壤的结构性和孔隙连续性都比较差,深层土壤水分难以到达表层,使得土壤表层处于经常性的干湿交替变化过程中。 | | 4. | And we have got the following result : 1 . the technique of storing water in soil in gneiss area of tai - hang mountain : the more water in soil before rain is , the less water capability of soil is , the time shorter of water flowing from soil is , the easier the water flows on the ground ; the soil capability of reserving water of different soil thickness is terrace > acacia land > pine land > grass land , so the soil is more thick , the soil capacity which contains water is more large ; the accumulated water that flows on the ground is remarkable related with the logarithms of rain time 太行山片麻岩区土壤蓄水规律:雨前土壤含水量越高,土壤可蓄水量越小,出流所需时间越短,容易形成地表径流;不同土层厚度的土壤蓄水量为:梯田刺槐林地油松林地草地;累积地表径流量与降雨时间的对数呈显著正相关,拟合方程为w = a + blnt ,相关系数均大于0 . 92 ,即在降雨强度一定的前提下,降雨时间越长,累计地表径流量越多。 |
- Similar Words:
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